O'm genau na ddwg dy air gwir

(Salm XCXIX. Rhan II)

O'm genau na ddwg dy air gwir,

  I'th farnau hir yw 'ngobaith;

Minnau'n wastadol cadwaf byth

  Dy lân wehelyth gyfraith.

Cofia i'th was
    dy air a'th raith,
  Lle rhois fy ngobaith arno,

Yn d'air mae 'nghysur i i gyd,

  Yr hwn mae 'mywyd ynddo.

Ti, Arglwydd, wyt i mi yn rhan,

  Ar d'air mae f'amcan innau;

Gweddïais am nawdd ger dy fron,

  O'm calon 'nol dy eiriau.

Cyn fy nghystuddio awn ar gam,

  Yn awr wyf ddinam eilwaith;

Da iawn a graslawn ydwyt ti,

  O! dysg i mi dy gyfraith!

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Silesia (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)

  Rhan I - Pa fodd O Dduw y ceidw llangc?
  Rhan II - A'th eiriau y bywheaist fi
  Rhan III - Mor gu O Arglwydd genyf fi

(Psalm 119. Part 2)

From my mouth take not thy true word,

  For thy judgments long is my hope;

I will constantly keep forever

  Thy holy lineage of law.

Remember for thy servant
    thy word and thy judgment,
  Upon which I put my hope,

In thy word is all my comfort,

  That in which is my life.

Thou, Lord, art to me a portion,

  On thy word is my purpose;

I prayed for protection before thee,

  From my heart according to thy words.

Before my afflition I would go wrong,

  Now I am innocent again;

Very good and gracious art thou,

  O teach me thy law!

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
43 Then let not quite the word of truth
     be from my mouth removed;
   Since still my ground of steadfast hope
     thy just decrees have proved.

44 So I to keep thy righteous laws
     will all my study bend;
   From age to age my time to come
     in their observance spend.

49 According to thy promised grace,
     thy favour, Lord, extend:
   Make good to me the word, on which
     thy servant's hopes depend.

50 That only comfort in distress
     did all my griefs control;
   Thy word, when troubles hemmed me round,
     revived my fainting soul.

57 O Lord, my God, my portion thou
     and sure possession art;
   Thy words I steadfastly resolve
     to treasure in my heart.

58 With all the strength of warm desires
     I did thy grace implore;
   Disclose, according to thy word,
     thy mercy's boundless store.

67 Before affliction stopped my course,
     my footsteps went astray;
   But I have since been disciplined
     thy precepts to obey.

68 Thou art, O Lord, supremely good,
     and all thou dost is so;
   On me, thy statutes to discern,
     thy saving skill bestow.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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